
Incentive measures to promote participation in design competition:
  • DICD has enacted the following incentive measures to encourage students to enter various design competitions or submit research papers for publication.
  • Winners of various design work or research paper competitions are to be rewarded according to their performance:
    1. The top three winners or those earning the equivalent honors will be awarded with NT$5,000.
    2. Those who have entered the final list of competition or who are honored with similar recognition will be awarded with NT$3,000.
    3. Those in participation of design competitions or research papers that are not listed in the attached table and are honored as the top three winners or granted with similar honors will be awarded with NT$1,000.
    4. Those who are awarded with research paper publication or presentation honors in international conferences will be awarded with NT$1,000.
    5. Those who are honored with no specified named prize will be awarded according as suggested by the department meeting.
    6. The above-mentioned winners must be students currently enrolled in the Department. The awards will only be in effect when the application is submitted to the department within two weeks of the award winning date.
    7. The measures are enacted according to the resolutions of the department meeting and their revisions are to be made through the same authorization process.