/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    The Mirroring of Time 時間之鏡
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    International Design Awards (IDA)
  • 主辦單位
    International Design Awards
  • 獎項名稱
    Bronze 銅獎
  • 作品連結

這本書集結了作者多年來于各地旅行時拍下的照片。鏡頭只會單向地從過去到現在不停記錄,然而記憶中的時間自由來去。眼睛好比鏡頭,人類一生依賴視網膜上的倒立虛像不斷衡量自己和世界的距離。 書籍外包裝選用象徵未知與夢幻的銀色。包裝內左側嵌有明信片大小的書籍,右側插入由精選攝影作品彙編而成的日曆。 左側書籍如同旅行時攜帶的小記事本,內容除攝影作品還輔以少量速寫、票據、文字。以富於節奏感的設計呈現不斷切換的時間與空間。每個城市一個章節,每章最後一頁為明信片可撕下郵寄。 The book collects the photos that I shot during my travels all these years. The camera just could record from past to present, but the time in my memory is free. Our eyes are like camera, we continually measure the distance between the world and us by the virtual images on our retinas. The packaging of the book is silver which shows unknown and fantasy. The book, the size of a postcard, is inset in the left side. In addition, there's a calendar on the right side which is printed with a selection of photographs. The book looks like a portable notebook on trip. Besides the photos, there is also some sketch, tickets and words in the book.The rhythm sensation of photos expresses the constant change of time and space. Each city is as one chapter and the last page of each chapter can be torn down and mailed as a postcard.