/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    Five Beans
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
    王韋堯 柯志祥
  • 比賽名稱
    International Design Awards (IDA)
  • 主辦單位
    International Design Awards
  • 獎項名稱
    Collateral Material – Pro Honorable Mention
  • 作品連結

「豆」自古以來就是主食之一,屬五穀的一種。在以農為本的傳統社會中,人們對於五穀充滿敬意,五穀豐收意味衣食無慮,富人家的倉庫永遠存滿糧食,因此豆子可說是財富的象徵。 「五行豆」指的是綠豆、紅豆、黃豆、白豆、黑豆。 「五色」代表五路,意味著納五方之財。此包裝將五色豆連貫排列,取五行相生之意,也代表著財富源源不絕。另外,包裝也透過360度環場,在視覺上呈現完滿的農村景象。最後,透過溫暖的色系及細緻筆觸的交疊,烘托出台灣特有的人情味。 其實真正的開運,來自你我臉上滿足的笑容,也許是事業有成與學業順利,但最重要的,就是透過五行祈求家人的身體健康,以上即為五行豆的包裝理念。 Beans, one of five traditional crops (五穀) in Chinese culture, are a staple food since long ago. In the traditional Chinese agricultural society, people worship the five crops as they represent bumper harvest. Hence, beans symbolize enormous wealth. Five Beans (五行豆) refer to the combination of mung beans, red beans, soy beans, pea beans, and black soy beans. The five different colored beans are believed to bring good fortune from five directions (五行). Therefore, this project arranges the different colors of beans in a special sequence, which signifies the generating of a large amount of wealth in Chinese culture. Also, this project mixes warm colors and delicate drawings in displaying the renowned hospitality in Taiwan’s rural areas. In fact, the “activating of good luck (開運)” comes from the content smiles from you and I; whether from a budding career or smooth academic pursuits. But most importantly, we ask for our families’ good health from the five directions – that is the core philosophy of this design.