/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    Natto In Wonderland
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2018
  • 主辦單位
    Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • 獎項名稱
  • 作品連結


Natto, a highly nutritious and traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented, has a strong distinctive smell and stirring natto produces lots of sticky silk strings. It is not only the most valuable soybeans cuisine offered to the royal family, but also the pride of traditional Japanese life- style. To think outside the box, unique illustrations in fresh appearance are used to construct the new packaging design of the Natto kingdom. The packaging also comes along with six noble characters in four scenarios of lovely tales. When you open it, each Natto package reveals a little story hid within. As you enjoy its delicacy, Natto communicates the great feeling of “one suck of Natto keeps healthy forever”. Natto and its sticky silk string deeply enfold the local culture and secret of longevity. Using fairy tale to connect with the unique Asian food, westerners are brought closer to Natto and get to know more about it. Natto certainly is going to extend its new brand and positive value from Asia to European and American market.