/ EN
  • 作品名稱
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2019
  • 主辦單位
    Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • 獎項名稱
    Top Talent
  • 作品連結

早年在中國沿海,因為各種因素促成了渡海先民前仆後繼地前往台灣—這個吉凶未卜的 蠻荒之地尋找「台灣夢」,並在許多地點定了下來。艋舺即是其中之一。而早年維持聚落 安定的要素便是「信仰」—信仰使人拉近距離,安定對未知的恐懼,無論從何角度看,信仰對於 先民與其後代們有著承先啟後的決定作用。 龍山寺便是這樣的一個存在—從以前是 艋舺(萬華)地區的信仰中心,到現今仍香火鼎盛。



In the early years, our ancestors living in the coastal area of China had valiantly crossed the Taiwan Strait to transmarine to Taiwan, an unknown island. They sought places to settle down, and “Banka” is one of them. In this chaotic wasteland, "Religion" brought people together, and helped them face unknown challenges. Through Religion, we Inherit the will of the ancestors and passed on this determination.Long Shan Temple happens to be the religious center and the lighthouse of Banka, and it still attracts tuns of people even to this day.

Yet, in this technology-advanced society, the distance between the youngsters and traditional temples have been more apart. Many people regard traditional culture as outdated and pedantry. However, several temples in Japan had found a way to combined traditional cultures with pop cultures, and had successfully reborn and rooted in our new form of lifestyle.

Therefore, Long Shan Temple has invited an up and coming designer, with Traditional Temple Culture as our theme, we created a set of couture.We hope people can experience and appreciate the charm of our local culture through the form of fashion.