/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    Crop Protector
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    International Design Awards 2020
  • 主辦單位
    Farmani Group
  • 獎項名稱
    bronze winner
  • 作品連結

Crop Protector 是可防止秧苗受福壽螺侵害與避免傾倒,及提供養分的秧苗固樁釘。外殼以稻稈纖維製成,可穩固秧苗基底,防止強風時傾倒;頂部則添加米糠與苦茶粕混合製成,可降低福壽螺的侵害,以利秧苗初期的生長。而自於農業廢棄物的稻稈、米糠及苦茶粕富含大量的營養物質,分解於土壤中可做為有機肥幫助秧苗生長,進而達到友善的循環種植。Crop Protector可單獨作為手工插秧與拋秧使用,也連結成盤狀形式用於機械插秧上,提供各地區的差異化種植需求。


Crop Protector is a seedling's stake to prevent being damaged by Pomacea Canaliculata and wind damaged. The shell is made from straw fiber, which can stabilize the root and prevent dumping in a strong wind, the top is made by rice husk and tea seed meal which can drive away from the Pomacea Canaliculata. These three materials from agricultural waste are rich in nutrients, can decompose in the soil, and become nutrients to help crops grow to achieve friendly planting.