/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    Let's Draw!
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    International Design Awards 2020
  • 主辦單位
    Farmani Group
  • 獎項名稱
    gold winner
  • 作品連結

Let's Draw! 為具多面投影的兒童互動繪圖輔助教學投影機,可讓孩童們進行互動的繪圖體驗與教學。Let's Draw!提供不同的互動教學及體驗,可吸引孩童進行各種繪圖互動遊戲,且有別於過往的單獨教學,Let's Draw!透過多面投影可讓多名孩童同時進行繪圖教學或遊戲,藉此提升孩童間的互動及協作。孩童可替換不同的角色服裝變更主題內容,在互動教學的過程中,也會將孩童的畫作上傳至雲端系統,並製作成專屬的原創故事,以增進孩童的成就感。


Let's Draw! is a children's interactive drawing teaching projector with multi-directional projection that children interact with each other by drawing teaching. It allows several children to learn drawing teaching and play games by multi-directional projection at the same time, which in turn increase interaction and collaboration between children. Children can replace different clothes of characters to change the content of the themes. Children's drawings will be uploaded to the cloud system.