/ EN
  • 作品名稱
    Hyper Mat
  • 作者
  • 得獎年份
  • 指導教授
  • 比賽名稱
    Red Dot Award
  • 主辦單位
    Red Dot
  • 獎項名稱
    Red Dot Award
  • 作品連結




Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, Many people choose to buy fitness equipment for home workouts because many gyms have closed during the lockdown period. However, the workout space at home can be restricted and the types of exercises can be limited. HyperMat is an innovative workout product that can break all these restrictions. It is suitable for many types of workouts that can be easily and fashionably transferred to different environments.

Inflated HyperMat will create an unstable surface, which can help train the user’s stability, strengthen the core, and increase the intensity of freehand training.

Turning on the knob of yoga brick, it will be inflated automatically. Inflated yoga bricks come into two different heights. They can also be stacked together or placed between to increase the assisted area. Multiple heights can meet with different needs of height assistance.

The charm on the strap is not just a decoration but also a hand pump for the training equipment in the bag. User can pump extra air manually to increase the workout strength.

With the indentation on the yoga mat, it will be transformed into a sports bag that is convenient to carry out. Folding into a bag is not only for storing the attached accessories, but also for personal sports equipment. It can satisfy the storage requirement and be easily and fashionably transferred to different environments.